Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Report from the Field 2-16-2016

From the Field
Our week concluded with a Firefighters Married Couples Conference which was held in Clarksville, Virginia. The number of couples was small but the fellowship and encouragement was huge. Holly and I enjoyed preparing for the weekend event and delighted in the look on all of the couples faces as they participated in the annual event. What a blessing to be able to hold an event like this at such an affordable price. We all agreed to hold the event next year and plans are already underway to improve on our success. We learned how to treat our spouses like a CHIEF. Looking at what the Bible has to say about firefighter marriages we discussed ways to improve our marriages, no matter how many years we have been married.

The backbone of our ministry continues to be the Bible. As we strive hard to put more Bible studies together for firefighters we continue to discover that our resources are not utilized in proportion to the mission field of 1.2 million firefighters in America alone. We need to figure out how to put these resources in the hands of firefighters who need them. If you have any ideas please give me a call at 443-336-9859 or email me at firequacker621@aol.com.

The process of getting folks to submit articles for the Interactive Encourager page on the website is slow. Thank God we have had a couple of submissions. We still need folks to leave comments on what they are reading and Lord willing begin to study their Bibles more as they discuss each topic. My prayer is that God would use our website to put Biblical resources in the hands of firefighters.

The rest of this week will consist of office work. We will be getting ready for the FDIC show in April and the mens Ignite conference in March. We will be having a table at this years conference and hope to connect with many firefighters.

Holly and I are beginning to look for sponsors to help with the ministry. We are beginning by sending letters to churches, businesses and members who would be willing to help. We are praying for 100 sponsors who are willing to send $100.00 a month to further the Kingdom in the fire service.

Prayer Requests

  • Support for the ministry
  • More faithful leaders to help spread the word about our ministry
  • The International Board members
  • Open doors for us to share our faith with other firefighters

Monday, February 8, 2016

Report from the Field 2-08-2016

From the Field
As your President/Missionary I continue to be blessed with this ministry to firefighters and first responders. It is easy to get discouraged by the lack of perceived interest, but I am thankful to God for the doors He continues to open. We continue to work hard at providing resources for firefighters who are serious in their walk with Christ. Bible studies, articles and videos are being placed on the website in hopes that firefighters will download them and study the Word of God. The sad truth is most firefighters never step foot in a local church, let alone study their Bibles on a regular basis. If you have a passion for Bible study and have never looked at our website I challenge you to look us over and see if these resources, which are specifically designed for firefighters, don't bless your life. The Interactive Encourager Magazine page is adding articles almost daily. Feel free to email the author or leave a comment for others to hear your point of view. Better yet, why don't you submit an article and have a chance to win $500.00. Our real prayer is that firefighters and first responders would be drawn to this new tool to help them grow in their faith.

Work is still going on for the new Outreach Bibles. Our prayer is to have them complete prior to the FDIC show in Indianapolis, Indiana. Please pray that God would use these Bibles to glorify His name in the fire service.

The couples conference is going to be held this coining weekend. Please pray that God would use this time to encourage couples in the fire service within their marriage. The turnout is very small, but we are confident that God will use this time in a mighty way. If you have any ideas on how to get more first responders involved in our ministry please share them with us. With a mission field of 1.2 million in the US alone it feels like we are barely even scratching the surface. I have been to several fires over the years where we did not have enough GPM's to extinguish the flames. The streams looked good but were not effective. Pray that we would have effective streams as Christian firefighters.

FCFInternational is also looking for more support. Our ministry relies on support in order to provide the resources needed for firefighters to walk with God. All of our donations go directly into the ministry as I do not draw a salary for the work I do (hence the missionary usage in my title). Would you prayerfully consider sharing our ministry with your local church. Our prayer is to locate 100 churches who would be willing to partner with us by praying and financially supporting our work with $100.00 a month. Thank you in advance for helping us help firefighters and first responders.

Prayer Requests

  • That God would be glorified in the fire service.
  • We would meet our goal of 100 supporting churches.
  • The Outreach Bibles would be complete by FDIC.
  • God would provide more co-laborers who would be willing to minister full time to firefighters.
  • God would continue to open doors for us to minister to firefighters and first responders.
  • A radio station would air our daily devotions.
  • We would see a revival in the fire service.

Craig W. Duck
