Thursday, January 17, 2013

Greetings From the Missions Field 1-17-2013

From the Field
God is good all the time!! I hope you said all the time God is good!! We do serve a faithfull God. I am excited that I get to see what He is doing in the fire service. I have been praying for more local groups to get started and I see answers to those prayers. Without me trying to influence things, which I always try to do, God is moving in the hearts and minds of first responders to meet together. The fire service can be such a hard enviroment for Christians to serve in, but God is faithfull and will help us to endure. Endurance was the topic for today's daily devotion on facebook. Check out our page, Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International. God's people in the fire service are encouraging one another through prayer, devotions, and sharing life in the fire service.

The International Office has been abuzz the past week. We are getting ready for our first show as President/Missionary. Holly wanted to know when our house became a work room. Everywhere you turned I was working on projects. We built a new display table, had everything out of the boxes in order to organize, and Seth and I where working on computer things for the show. Finally, late last night I began to package everything up. I am excited about seeing groups along the way and hope to encourage them to keep the faith. Pray for this journey, that God would be magnified in the areas I visit. Not because of me but because of God's great love for the fire service.

We are about 1 week from unvailing the new web site. I thank God that He has provided for us. This new web site will help to attract young firefighters. Our prayer is to reach the young firefighters for Jesus Christ. Those will be the next leaders of the fire service and of our organization if the Lord tarries in coming back.

I am excited about our new Bible study. It has been three years in the making, with many dissapointments, but praise God it is finally finished. God's timing is best and I believe it is way better now than it would have been three years ago. It is on the book of Ephesians and it includes fire pictures, stories, and videos. It cost us about $1.00 to produce a copy and we are excited about sharing it with the world. The study will be free on our new web site.

I thank God for my family. God has provided me with a great wife, one who loves the Lord and one who is faithfull. I pray that first responders would be as blessed as I am when it comes to a spouse. I am also thankful for my children who love God. They have been going to a different church than Holly and I lately, but I thank God that they researched the churches statement of faith first and the church faithfully preaches the Word of God. Seth has been putting in applications for ministry work as an Assistant Pastor. Pray that he would be directed by God to the best place for him.

Prayer Requests
- The trip to Florida that I will be taking next week
- The Board members will be looking at the best way to organize our ministry. Pray that God would give us wisdome.
- The finances of the International. It takes finances to maintain a ministry. Pray that folks would be faithful in supporting us and that we would be wise in spending God's money. Pray that we would find 100 churches to support us.
- Revival in the fire service. Pray that God's people would be stirred up to serve Him.

Vision - To glorify God in the fire service by building relationships that turn the heart and mind of first responders to Christ (Philippians 2:11), equiping them to serve Him (Ephesians 4:12)

Mission - To encourage one another to share the vision with the fire service community through Witnessing, Praying, Teaching the Word, and Walking worthy.

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