Friday, January 4, 2013

Greetings from the Missions Field 1-4-2013

From the Field
Well 2013 is finally here, and amazingly we are all still here. God has not called us home, and the rapture has not taken place. I do thank God that Jesus Christ will one day come back for His own and make all things new. I can't wait for that day, maybe it will be today. I have been praying a lot about FCFInternational and where God will be taking us. I urge all of you to make 2013 the year of prayer for FCFInternational. I have been praying that God would bring to salvation 2 million first responders and grow our ministry to 10,000 members. Some may say that is too big a number. I am reminded that with God all thing are possible. Please join with me in that prayer. 10,000 members is less than 1% of the fire service (1.4 million firefighters). I have read two books, one of Hudson Taylors life and one of Dawson Trotman (founder of the Navigators), and they have inspired me to pray for the fire service like they prayed for their mission fields. Would you join me in that prayer.

I am excited about our upcoming board meeting. How exciting that we are able to meet once a month via the internet. The last one was great and I thank God for our Godly leaders. This month meeting we will be crafting an Operations Plan (OP). Our OP will help us to organize our ministry in order to be efficient and keep us focused on God. Pray with me that our OP will be glorifying to God and help us to grow the ministry. We will be discussing how our Board members should function, how we can achieve our goal of a Regional Director in every State, and how we can finance all of the ministry. I am thankful that past President/Missionaries have kept this ministry debt free, and I intend to do the same.

FCFInternational started a new program this year called "The Command Staff". Fashioned after the Navigators "Minutemen" program of the late 30's and 40's. The idea is to find committed people who will read their Bibles everyday, pray for the fire service for 1 hour a day, memorize 1 Bible verse a week, share their faith with someone in the fire service once a month, and disciple 1 person in the fire service this year. I am praying for 25 Command Staff Personnel. Please pray that we would find those people. The program is a one year program form the date of application.

The Family
The family is doing great. Seth has once again started to look for a ministry. He would like to be an assistant pastor in youth or worship leader type position. Pray that God would open up a door for him. Andrew is working hard at his machine shop. I praise God that he is a faithful employee and I pray that God would use him at his shop. Andrew's girl friend Tiffany is getting ready to go back to college this weekend. Christopher is working at a Bible store. Pray for Christopher that he would begin to look for a career. Justin is working at Kohls department store, and I echo the same prayer for him as for Christopher. I am thankful for my boys and there love for God and faithfulness to Him. Holly has one job now, the Bible store, and is beginning to do more FCFInternational things for me. I thank God that she is a faithful wife and loves God.

Prayer Requests
  • Pray that we would have 25 folks join the Command Staff
  • Pray that God would place it on the hearts of people to become Regional Directors. We currently have many states with no directors.
  • Pray that God would start a revival in the fire service. Pray that Christian firefighters would be "stirred up" just like our key verse in Hebrews. Pray for 2 million first responders to be saved and 10,000 to join FCFInternational
  • Pray for our finances. I am praying that in 2013 God would direct 100 new churches to support us for $1,600.00 a year.
  • Pray for our Widows and Orphans Fund, that we would find a director for that program and be able to help those in need.
  • Pray for our disaster response team. We are also looking for a director of that program.
I thank you so much for being a faithful steward in prayer for our ministry. There is no way we could ever do this ministry on our own strength. God is faithfull, and I am confident that He will do a great work in the fire service. Thanks for partnering with us in prayer.

Craig W. Duck

1 comment:

  1. What would you say to someone who
    Wonders what if would be like to be fighter..what would it be like?

    I am a 48 yr Christan man who drives a truck for a living..Could I be the guy
    Who drives?
