Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Greetings From the Mission Field 2-13-2013

From the Field
Well I am excited about the new web site. God has provided us with a new web site that is interactive and is capable of posting videos. My prayer is that God will use this site to reach young first responders world wide. Scott Nasby, who has done a remarkable job on the website, decided to resign about a month or so ago. I was saddened as Scott has been such a blessing to the ministry by designing and maintaining this site. When I started looking for a new host a guy at work showed me our unions web site. He explained how easy it was for folks to maintain it. The web site also had a lot of really cool features. The web site was a little pricey, but I thought it was well worth the money; approximately $1,600.00 for the first year and $500.00 every year. After praying about the matter I contacted Mike from Union Centrics and was blessed beyond measure. Mike told me how he to is a believer and was willing to set up the site for free and we would only pay $12.00 a month for maintenance fee. What a blessing, only God can do things like that.

Holly and I are preparing for our next show which is in California. Our prayer is that we would be able to share the gospel with firefighters and minister to some. Please pray with us that God would allow us to minister to first responders in California more. God has been answering prayer for our ministry and I am so thankful for His leading in my life. Holly and I are excited that we have three people signed up for our Command Staff position. Our goal is to have 25 go through the program. This program is for those in the fire service who are serious about serving God. Command Staff folks commit to reading their Bible everyday, praying an hour a day, memorizing a Bible verse a week, mentoring one person a year, and sharing their faith once a month. Please pray that God would give us 25 faithful firefighters.

We continue to meet with our board once a month. What a blessing to meet through GoToMeeting and share what is on our hearts for the ministry. Please continue to pray that God would continue to work on the hearts and minds of our board members. They do a lot for the ministry and I am thankful for each one. What a blessing to get to know each one and how God is working on their lives.

I am thankful for each of our local chapters. I have included some pictures of the Pennsylvania chapter that I went to the other day. What a blessing that they are trying to minister to firefighters. There were some who were not believers, but came for the breakfast. I praise God for their ministry. Let's pray together that God would save firefighters in that department.

The family is doing well. It is exciting to watch Holly get more and more interested in helping out. We will be able to accomplish so much more together than I could by myself. We are planning on retiring next year and together working God's ministry to first responders. Please pray for Seth as he is getting frustrated with the search for an assistant Pastors position. It is tough on young folks who want to serve but are unable to find a ministry. Most say he does not have enough experience. I know God has something special for him and he will do great. Seth has a good heart for the ministry. Andrew is going to begin working nights. He is not looking forward to that, but praise God he does have a job. Christopher and Justin have part time jobs and I have been praying that they will find a career that they love.

Prayer Requests
  • God would start a revival among firefighters.
  • Ken Henry who's wife recently went home to be with the Lord.
  • Several of our members have been sick during this flu season.
  • God would provide land for an International Office and potentially a conference center. I have been praying that God would provide a church camp that nobody wants anymore.
  • That FCFInternational would fill vacancies in ministry areas (see web site for details on vacancies)
  • God would provide a Regional Director for every state in the union.

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