Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Greetings from the missions field 12-26-2012

From the Field
I pray and trust that everyone had a wonderful and Merry Christmas. As our world gets more and more diverse, it seems like fewer people remember that we have Christmas because of Christ. Had the Son of God not came to this earth in human flesh as a baby, we would not celebrate Christmas. I praise God that He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins. The fire service is going through a tough time this Christmas season. Please remember to pray for the first responders in Connecticut who had to witness that evil act upon innocent children, as well as the first responders who went through that horrible event in Webster, New York. We need to be on our knees for those first responders, that God would provide them comfort.

As the new year is upon us, FCFInternational is praying and waiting to see how the Lord will use us in 2013. God has provided for this ministry since 1977, and we are thankful to Him for all He has done. Our world is rapidly changing, and we want to be able to minister to first responders in a powerful way. We serve an awesome God, and we want to share the love of God to first responders through effective ministries. Pray with us that God would show us what doors to walk through this coming year.

Currently I am finishing up an Operations Plan (OP) for the ministry. This is what will keep me on track this coming year. Pray that God will show me the way, and that this OP will be for His honor and glory. If any of you would like to provide an input, I would gladly like to use it. I plan on posting the OP in the next several weeks.

I am excited about a new program that FCFInternational is rolling out in 2013. Based on the Navigators old "Minutemen" program, our "Command Staff" program seeks to draw first responders closer to God. I am praying that God would provide 25 first responders who are serious about God. The Command Staff personnel will comit to reading their Bible daily, praying an hour a day for first responders, memorizing 1 Bible verse a week, sharing your faith with a first responder every month, and discipling 1 first responder every year. If we could find 25 committed folks to do this I believe we would begin to see changes in the fire service as a whole. Please pray with me for that.

The Family
The family is doing great. Holly recently gave her notice to Kohls department store, and will only have 1 job. Our goal is to have her retire when I do next year. Then we will be able to devote 100% of our efforts to the ministry. Please pray for our family as they are beginning to lead their own lives. For those of you that have been there it makes for challenging times. I am excited as I want to see my children grown, living on their own, and serving the Lord.

Prayer Requests
  • That we would find 100 churches who are willing to support the ministry.
  • 25 committed first responders for the new Command Staff program.
  • The Operations Plan would be complete.
  • The first Encourager would be well recieved.
  • First responders would be saved.
  • First responders would draw closer to God in 2013 by committing to reading their Bibles and discipling younger first responders.
  • First Responder Retreat in March, that we would have 100 first responders.
Ephesians 6:10-11 - "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil"

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Greetings from the Missions Field 12-18-2012

From The Field
It has been awhile since I was las able to post to the blog. A lot has been happening in FCFInternational and I am excited on how God is working in His ministry to first responders. I have been able to travel to several places in order to be with other FCFInternational members. First, I went once again to be with Wayne Detzler in Connecticut. What a man of God Wayne is, and I cherish every time God allows me to go and visit. I am able to talk much about the future of FCFInternational and how Wayne thinks we should get there. Wayne has much experience with various ministries and his wisdom is all ways enlightening. This time Wayne and I videoed 16 Bible lessons on the book of Ephesians. Once these videoes are packaged up and put with the rest of the Ephesians project we should have a quality CD containing a Bible study for first responders. I am convinced that FCFInternational should put a lot of time and effort into producing quality Bible studies for firefighters. We need to be able to have Bible studies that help first responders live lives that are pleasing to God. Please keep Wayne in your prayers as he only lives one town away from the terrible school shootings. First Responders up there definately need our prayers.

After I returned home from that trip it was back out to New Jersey. Thom McCoy and I made up a small team that was determined to get the Moonachie First aid and Rescue Squad back into their building. Their building was destroyed during Hurricane Sandy. Several other members joined the efforts during the week and the project was complete. The last I heard from Thom was that rescue squad members were moving things back in. What a blessing to be able to be part of that project. Some of our members gave financially, some prayed, and some worked. Due to our efforts as an organization doors were definately opened. One of the members asked Thom to be their chaplain as they do not have one. Please pray that over the next several months Thom would be able to minister to them, sharing his faith in Jesus Christ.

Now that I am back home my attention is once again turned toward the office end of the ministry. A lot of work goes into running the ministry and I am once again thankful for Gay and Sue's Godly example in this area. Please continue to pray that I might follow their Godly example.

The Family
The family is getting excited about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One would think that as you get over the excitement would lesson, but with our family it appears that it does not. December is a busy month for our family as both Holly and Christopher celebrate their birthdays. Holly and I went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory, a favorite of both of ours. What a blessing to be able to have such a lovely wife. God has given me way more than I deserve when He gave me Holly. I thank God for His grace to me.

Personal Life
Please pray for me as I am trying to put Bible memorization as a top priority in 2013. I am up to a few measly Bible verses so far. It appears that memorizing as you get older really becomes a challenge. I never back down from a challenge though. My prayer is that I will memorize 1 whole book this next. I am also just finishing up my Bible reading. What a blessing to be able to read God's Word all the way through. I look forward to doing it all over again next year.

Prayer Requests

  • For my first Encourager, it has been a blessing and a challange
  • The monthly online Bible studies would be well attended
  • FCFInternational would be able to find 25 committed members for the new Command Staff  position.
  • FCFInternational would be able to share God's love to first responders at this years shows.
  • We would be able to raise up faithful members to the position of Regional Directors. Our prayer is to have 1 per state.
  • That God would be glorified with FCFInternational

  • Monday, November 26, 2012

    Greetings from the missions field 11-26-2012

    From the Field
    Things are beginning to come along at the new International Office. As I am learning how to run the day to day operations of the ministry it is exciting to meet everyone involved. That is my favorite part of FCFInternational, the people. God has made us all unique, and it is fun to see how we interact with each other. I Corinthians 12:12 tells us, "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.". FCFInternational is made up of paid and volunteer firefighters, small towns and big cities, and those who support first responders. My joy is talking with each and everyone of you along the way, encouraging you to have a deeper relationship with God. I am learning that so many of you have that same passion for God. You want other first responders to know the love of God and to have a personal relationship with Him. I pray that God would continue to use us in a mighty way this coming year. I have been dilegently praying that God would start a revival within the fire service. God is faithful and has proven His faithfulness to FCFInternational since 1977. Join with me in prayer for the fire service. James telss us that, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." I love how it says that the "prayers of a righteous person is powerful and effective". I am excited to see what God is going to do. I look forward to meeting some of you the fire shows and conferences that we attend. If you are able, please look for our both and come visit. That would be a huge encouragement for Holly and I. Pray that God would use those shows to proclaim His love for the fire service. Currently I am building some new displays for the shows, pray that they would catch peoples eyes and draw them in.

    Missions Trip
    I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and finacial support for the Moonachie First Aid and Rescue Squad. We should be heading up there soon to help rebuild the station. God is working in a great way with this project and I am thankful to Him. Thom McCoy is heading up that project and has put a huge amount of time and effort into it already. Let's pray that God would continue to use Thom on this project and that God would continue to open doors for us to minister to those folks. I am also thankful for all of Mike Whitby's work in trying to secure EMS supplies. It is awesome to see how the body of Christ is working together. I will let everyone know when we are going up there in case you are able to go and help.

    I thank everyone who regularly prays for our family. Sometimes the mission field can be difficult and lonely. It is comforting to know that folks are regularly praying for us. Please don't be shy, drop us a line every now and then reminding us of your prayers, it greatly encourages us. Seth is still looking for an Assistant Pastors position. We thought he was going to get a position in Indiana, but God has other plans for him. Pray that Seth would be diligent about putting his resume out. Christipher is almost back to 100% after his foot surgery. We thank God for His healing hand upon him. Justin and Andrew have been working hard at their jobs. Pray that they would be diligent about regular Bible study and maintaining their walk with Christ.

    Prayer Request
    - Support for the ministry. I am praying that God would give us 100 churches to suppor His ministry to first responders. I am working on packets to explain to churches our ministry.
    - New members to join. I am praying that God would give us 10,000 members, which is less than 1% of the fire service in America.
    - New local chapters. I am praying that God would allow us to have a chapter in every state and that new countries would be opened up to us.
    - Revival in the fire service!!!
    -The upcoming Encourager for Jan/Feb. I pray that the new style would be well received.

    Thanks you all for your faithfulness to God and your prayers for the ministry.

    James 2:17 - "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead".

    Craig and Holly Duck
    FCFInternational Missionaries

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012

    Greetings From the Mission Field 11-14-2012

    From the Field
    Wow, it has been awhile since I posted last. The storm Sandy came in to town and I feel like I haven't stopped since. I praise God that our area was only slightly damaged from the storm. While I was at work our call volume went up slightly in Washington DC, but we were spared from flooding and wide spread damage. This was not the case for our members in New Jersey. Many of our folks have been tirelessly working at their stations since the storm. I had a chance to talk with Russ Stammer, an International Board member and Regional Director. He related a story from the storm. Russ's son recently joined the volunteer department and commented on how slow it was. Russ told him to be carefull what he wished for, it just might happen. Several days later they were working the storm. Russ's son was on a different engine, when they saw each other his son looked exhausted. Russ just laughed and reminded him of his statement. I am so thankful for our members who faithfully serve their communities by being first responders. What a blessing to know our members are being salt and light in their departments. I love hearing the stories of how other members who see their testamony throughout the years go to them when they need help. I pray that our members would continue to learn the Bible that they might be able to share it with others when they need it most. II Timothy 2:15 - "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

    Missions Project
    Moonachie First Aid and Rescue Squad
    I just returned from a quick visit to New Jersey to survey the damage and see if there was anything FCFInternational could do to help. Russ Stammer had told us of a need for the Moonachie First Aid and Rescue Squad. We went over to their building and I could not believe what I saw. The stories of what happened to them are just as bad as the building looks. I thank God that they are all right. Seven of them almost lost their lives when the boat they were using to escape got pulled under a tractor trailer. They were not on the river, they were driving up Moonachie drive when it happened. This department had 5 vehicles and several support vehicles housed in a small building. When the Levi broke they all had minutes to escape. By the time it was over the water was 3/4 the way up the first floor and was flowing through the building like a river. They have several ambulances that work, several that need repair, and they lost almost everything in the building. They have no idea where their coaches, backboard, and cabinets ended up. To make matters worse as they are trying to get back on their feet, only $3,000.00 worth of aid has come to them.

    Please join with me in helping them out. They have done so much for the community, it is our turn to help them out. Let's bath this project in much prayer. Our God is able to do anything. Let's show the members of Moonachie First Aid and Rescue Squad that God loves them and cares for them. Let's be the hands and feet of God. Here is a started list of things they need. I will try and have an address to send the items to. If you send something please enclose a note and tell them how much God loves them and that this is from their frinds at FCFInternational.

    Money to help rebuild. Please send check to PO Box 490 Arnold, MD 21012
    EMS Supplies
    -Basically anything that goes to restock an ambulance they need.

    If you have any questions or comment please do not hesitate to ask. Also, visit this site for updates regularly.

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Greetings from the missions field 10-30-2012

    From the Field
    Greetings from the International Office where it has been a busy week. Our super storm, Sandy, has been the talk of the town for the past week. Yesterday the storm came ashore on the east coast and caused wide spread damage. The Maryland area was spared a lot of the destruction that they had predicted, but I am ok with that. The call volume here in the District of Columbia Fire and EMS Department was also lighter than expected. That wasn't the case for New Jersey and New York. Our members were pounded by Sandy and are currently cleaning up. One of our International Board members, Russ Stammer, told me he just had a break after 17 hours of constant calls. Please remember to pray for the victims of the storm. In New York City the 80 homes that burned last night were in an area where mostly firefighters and police officers live.

    Our Bible study had to be moved to Thursday night. Please e-mail me if you need the links for "Fearless in the Fire Service". My e-mail address is I am loving the Bible studies. I feel that this is an opportunity to strengthen the knowledge of our members. Sometimes we are good at studying fire related stuff, but neglect a regular study of God's Word. I love the verse that says "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth." (II Timothy 2:15)

    Our International Board members are making progress on improving the bylaws of the International and coming up with an Operational Plan. It is so important to have a vision and a plan for an organization. I am thankful to God for our previous Presidents/Missionaries and the vision that worked so hard to share with the fire service. Please pray for our meetings as we plan for the future of FCFInternational. We want to be well pleasing and faithful to God in our ministry to first responders.One thing I love about this ministry already is the relationships that are being forged with the board members. These folks are so dedicated and wise when it comes to the ministry. I look forward all to all of their input and ideas. I can hardly wait to start learning a lot about the Regional Directors that we have and how they are ministering to first responders.

    The other area of the ministry I love is the local prayer breakfasts our groups have. I recently went to the Pierce Damewood chapter and had an awesome time. I have put some of the pictures up for you. Please pray for these members as they serve the Lord in Prince George County Maryland.

    The Family
    The family is doing fine. It was nice to watch the boys as they prepared for the storm. They love to help people out and always have extra generators to help save the day for some of our neighbors. It is quite the ministry that they have. Please continue to pray for Seth as he is seeking an assistant pastoral position. I think he will make a fine young pastor some where. He just wants to make sure that it is where God wants him to be.

    Prayer Requests
    - The storm victims
    - FCFInternational would create a good Operational Plan
    - That I would be able to be a good administrator of the ministry
    - That our members would gain spiritual wisdom
    - That God would open up doors for us to minister to first responders
    - That God would provide 100 churches to sponsor our ministry

    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    Greetings from the missions field 10-24-2012

    From the Field
    God is good all the time!! I hope you repeated back "all the time God is good" He really is. Even when things are not going are way or life seams to be getting us down, God is still on the throne and wants to do great things for us. I tend to get in His way. I pray that I will learn to be patient in tribulation and learn to wait upon Him. I haven't had a bad week or anything, I just want to learn humility and to be patient. I hope that doesn't mean I will have a bad week this week, that is usually how we learn those two characteristics. Psalm 37:7 encourages us to "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass."

    This week has been an awesome week for me. I have been on vacation from work and have been traveling with my wife. We went to a wedding in North Carolina. While there I was able to talk with Marcus about our data base. Marcus was able to show me some simple things we can do to improve it, and promised to come by for dinner to show me more (praise God). After the wedding Holly and I went to West Virgina for their annual Fallen Firefighter Memorial service. What a blessing to see all of the FCFInternational members serving at this event. They all did a marvelous job and should be commended for all of their work. God is well pleased when we do "good works" for Him. Not that these good works will earn a spot in heaven, but they go a long way to showing the love of Jesus to a lost world. Thanks Chris and Scott (as well as others) who did so much that day, I was blessed.

    Our board meetings are going well. Last night we had a small number of board members, but we were able to talk through a number of items. Please pray for our board members that they would constantly walk with God, and would be able to make Godly decisions. I am thankful for each board member who sacrifices time and effort for our organization (God's organization). Without our volunteers we would not be able to function. I am excited to see how God is going to use our members to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the fire service.

    Our next Bible study is "Fearless in the Fire Service" if you would like to join in you can preregister at the following place:

    Fearless in the Fire Service
    Join us for a webinar on Nov 06, 2012 at 7:00 PM EST.
    Register now!
    Enjoy a Bible study designed specifically for first responders in the fire service. You will be encouraged to lead a life that is pleasing to God while you serve in your local department.

    Deuteronomy 31:6 - "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them: for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

    On the Homefront
    Thank you for all of your prayers for Christopher and his surgery. His ankle is healing and he is beginning to walk on it. Holly and I are thankful to God for his recovery. Seth did not get the Assistant Pastors position that he was candidating for. Please pray that God would provide a ministry for him to serve in. Holly is tired from all of our travel and I appreciate your prayers for her as she went back to work today. I can hardly wait for when she retires and we serve FCFInternational members together.

    Prayer Requests
    • Revival in the Fire Service
    • New chapters to start in states that we are not repressented yet
    • Keiths Granddaughter who has a fever of 104
    • Ann Christmas who has an infection
    • Gay and Sue that their house would sell
    • The holiday Newsletter, that it would touch lives
    • My first Encourager (magazine) that I am putting together

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    Greetings from the Missions Field 10-16-2012

    Frome the Field
    Greetings from the International office in Arnold, Maryland. I would like to greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ who continues to supply all of our needs. This has truly been a busy but blessed week for me. I was blessed to be able to go to Conecticut to be with my dear friend Wayne Detzler and his wife. I had an awesome time just sitting around their lovely apartment in their daughters house brain storming about the future of FCFInternational. God has given Wayne a remarkable ability to minister to people and especially firefighters. The Detzlers have served God faithfully for many years. They have been missionaries in Germany and England. Wayne has served as a senior pastor in churches in England and the US. Wayne has served at various universities at various levels. He is even very "techy". So when Wayne has some ideas, I love to listen. It was Wayne who encouraged me to do the daily devotions on our facebook page (Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International). I get encouraged everytime someone writes and lets me know how God is speaking to them through the devotion. Wayne is also working on writing a history book for FCFInternational. This will be a good resource tool as we try and get churches to help support us prayerfully and financially. It will also be a blessing to our members. So pray for Wayne as he is working on this project. FCFInternational recently conducted our first online Bible study. What a blessing to be able to dive into God's Word the Bible and see how it applies to first responders. Our second one is set for November 6, 2012 at 1900 hours EST. Our subject will be "Fearless in the Fire Service". If you would like more information just email our International office at

    The Family
    I would like to thank all of you for your prayers for our family. This ministry is a little bit of a struggle with still being a full time firefighter but I praise God that I am able to make it work so far. Wayne and his wife have taught me to always look on the positive side of life, and I pray that I would be able to follow his example. I need to be content in every situation. Christopher is healing just fine from his foot surgery and is praying that he can start walking on it again this week. Seth is getting excited about his upcoming trip. Seth is canidating for an associate pastors position in Indiana. Our family appreciates your prayers for him and that God would be glorified.

    Personal Life
    I continue to read through the Bible. I am excited about finishing the entire Bible, and then I can start all over again. I love reading God's Word every day and seeing how he is going to challenge me. I am falling behind on my Bible memorization and I need to pick that up a bit. It is always good to memorize Scripture. We need to be ready in season and out of season to preach. God's Word is true, and I want to be faithful to His Word.

    Prayer Requests
    - We are looking for 100 churches to support us prayerfully and financially
    - For new chapters to form
    - The Bible studies would fill up and firefighters would study God's Word
    - For a revival in the fire service
    - The lines of communication would open up between members
    - We would be prepared for the fire service shows, first one is in January
    - The Regional events would have good participation
    - First Responders would be encouraged

    Until next week I ask that God would bless each reader of this blog as you walk with Him.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2012

    Greetings from the missions field 10-10-2013

    From the Field

    I bring you greeting from the International office in Arnold, Maryland. I have been working diligently at organizing the new office. I still feel like a duck out of water, oh sorry I didn’t mean to say that. It is taking me a while to get into a routine, but over time I am confident that I will be able to make it work. I am thankful to God and I want to be able to do the best job possible for Him. When I was at Gay and Sue’s house getting trained for the position they stressed to me the importance of getting requests out in a timely manner and making sure that everything is accurate. I agree with them that poor service would reflect poorly on the organization. That is so true of how we should be living the Christian life. So many Christians get saved and then go and do whatever they want because they know they are forgiven. The Bible encourages us to have a walk that is worthy of the high calling that we have been called to. So now I have to watch what I do for the name sake of FCFInternational but more important because I carry around the name of Jesus Christ. By God’s grace I will be able to do that.


    I recently went out and bought the Apple desk top computer for the office. I praise God that He provided the funds to be able to do that. This past week I took a class and began to learn how to operate it. I have used windows my whole life, so it will definitely be an adjustment. Using the computer is a little out of my comfort zone, but once I learn how to work the computer it will be good for the office. Just like when God takes us out of our comfort zone he stretches us and makes us more useable for the kingdom. I was able to make my first publication with it. I quickly put together a packet for churches to be able to support FCFInternational. I will be taking it up to Wayne’s church to see if they will support us. My prayer is that we would find 100 churches in 2013 to support us with $1,600.00 yearly support. Please pray with me as I seek those churches that God would have for us.


    Family Life

    Thank you all for your prayers for Christopher as he had surgery on his foot. He came through the surgery fine and will begin rehab this week. Today he has a visit to the surgeon who will let him know the progress. Seth is flying out for an interview with a church for an assistant pastor’s position. I praise God how it all is fitting together in God’s perfect plan. Even if Seth doesn’t get the position he is gaining great experience. Andrew and Justin are doing fine; they have been working hard at their jobs. Holly is still working two jobs, and we have begun to discuss when a good time for her to retire is. It is hard to believe that retirement is so close. It seems like just yesterday we both started working. I am thankful to God that He has provided a ministry that Holly and I can work together.


    Personal Life

    I have recently finished with reading first and second Thessalonians and I started reading Hosea. How amazing God’s Word is to read. I am thankful that we are able to read God’s Word and learn how to walk in a worthy manner. My prayer is that first responders would have a desire to read the Bible on a daily basis and obey what they read. I still need to remind myself of this truth daily.


    Prayer Requests

    ·         Revival in the fire service

    ·         International Board meeting in two weeks

    ·         First on-line Bible study in a week

    ·         First responders weekend retreat in March


    Saturday, October 6, 2012

    Mission Statement

    Here is your chance to help the Fellowship of Christian Firefighters International. We are looking for your input. We want you to get involved and make a difference in First Responders Lives. The International Board is in the process of updating our Bylaws. Currently we are looking to update the Mission Statement of FCFInternational. Here is where you come in. I have three questions. Respond to this post by leaving a comment. When you do you will help to write the mission statement. We don't need anything lengthy because a mission statement should be short enough for us to memorize, articulated well enough in order communicate our mission, and inspire members to help accomplish our mission. So here you go, here are the questions:

    1. What are the opportunities or needs of the fire service we need to address? (purpose of our ministry)

    2. What is FCFInternational doing to address these needs? (The business of the organization)

    3. What are the principles or beliefs that guide our work? (Values of the ministry)

    Now I know that our organization does not typically respond back to things like this. I am praying that our ministry will begin to get involved in our organization by giving input when asked. I am thankful for the faithful who do help out, and I am praying that God will increase our faithful. Thank you so much for your input, it really matters.

    Together let's take encouragement to the fire service!!

    Craig Duck
    President/Missionary Elect

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Greetings from the Missions Field 10-2-2012

    From the field

    Wow, what a busy week around the FCFInternational office. With the office now complete focus has now shifted to the ministry. Currently, Holly and I are working on the administrative portion of FCFInternational. Setting up the new bank accounts, changing the new member cards, imputing information in the data base, and listening to members has taken up a lot of our time. But we love it. Our prayer is that as we become more organized as a ministry and as we begin to open up lines of communications to board members, regional directors, local chapters, and members we will begin to see God open up new doors. Having an organized ministry will also help us to draw in new supporters of the ministry. I have been praying about how local churches can join in the ministry. Holly and I believe that a large group of praying saints from local churches will help bring revival to the fire service. We are praying about how FCFInternational can minister to the needs of first responders. When you look at the fire service you see families that are broken, marriages that need help, and first responders that need a relationship with Jesus Christ. So how can FCFInternational help. If you have any ideas please leave a comment on this blog I would love to hear from you. Here are some regional events that the international office is working on:

    ·         March 22-24, 2013 First Responder Retreat in Mercersburg, PA

    ·         May 1, 2013 International day of prayer for first responders at firehouses throughout the world

    ·         June 17-21, 2013 Family Camp in Black Mountain, NC

    I look forward to meeting some of you at one of these events. The International office is also working on its first Bible study on the internet. The first 100 folks to sign up will enjoy a Bible study on the life of Joseph and how it relates to the fire service. The following is the information on how to sign up:


    Registration URL:
    Webinar ID: 139-180-195

    Participants can use their computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP) or telephone.

    United States
    Toll: +1 (646) 307-1716
    Access Code: 883-161-840
    Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar



    The family is doing well. Christopher will be getting his ankle operated on tomorrow (Wednesday). He has had some problems from a broken foot he had years ago. This should get him back to normal. Seth has a job interview with a church in Indiana in a couple weeks. He is going for an assistant pastor’s position. Our family has been praying hard, and we thank you for your prayers.


    Personal Life

    I have started reading Daniel. What a fascinating story from such a Godly man. I have read this story many times and it always inspires me to want to be more faithful in praying. Recently we had some dear friends come and visit from Connecticut. What a man and woman of God. Their stories of how God has been using them in the ministry are also inspiring. Wayne’s prayer life is very similar to that of Daniels. I pray that one day I might have faith as they do and as Daniel did.


    Prayer Requests

    ·         Holly and I would continue to organize FCFInternational office in a way that supports the mission and ministry of FCFInternational.

    ·         Holly and I would remain pure with our relationship and that we would find time to be together.

    ·         I would continue my daily Bible reading and devotions.

    ·         We would be able to design our first Encourager with the new computer we bought.

    ·         God would provide 50 chapters (1 for each State) for FCFInternational.

    ·         The regional events the International office is working on.

    ·         We would spend our funds wisely.

    ·         That God would show FCFInternational whether we should pursue a national office.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    Greetings from the missions field 9-26-2012

    From the Field
    I need to start with an apology. I promised to post every Monday, and here it is Wednesday. This week has been very busy. I feel like I got on one of those playground rides that go in a circle. You get on and it spins faster and faster. This past week has been filled with ups and downs. Yesterday we had our first International Board meeting. Since we are so far away from each other it is always difficult to meet. Praise God for modern technology. We were able to meet over the internet. What a blessing to get everyone together and talk about God's ministry to firefighters. We will be having a Bible study via that same connection. Please pray that all would go well. Its awesome to think that firefighters can meet together for fellowship and Bible study via the internet. I hope it is an encouragement to people. I am still waiting for the tax exempt from Maryland to go through. This is holding up our purchase of computer for the new office. We have decided to go with a Mac, which should help us with editing the Encourager. I am looking forward to putting that together.

    I had a wonderful time at the prayer breakfast for the Prince George County Volunteer Fire Department. I was able to speak, and the topic was prayer in the fire service. What a blessing to be a part of that yearly event. I am thankful for this chapters desire to give out Bible to the newly elected officers. I pray that they would continue to be a blessing to firefighters in Prince George County. The next prayer breakfast is a combination of three local chapters getting together. I look forward to that time with them.

    I continue to be blessed by talking to members of our organization. Yesterday I talked with a 84 year old brother from Canada. He retired as a Captain from his department. I loved hearing how God worked in his life through prayer in order to get his position on the fire department and in his families life. It is amazing to me how God works. I am thankful that God even cares for us, especially when we mess up so much.

    God is working in my families lives for which I am very thankful. Seth has been putting out his resume for Assistant pastor positions. He heard back from a church who is very interested in him, praise God. Please pray that God's will would be accomplished. It is exciting to see your children grow up and walk with the Lord. I pray that first responders families would be strengthened in these last days. God is faithful.

    Personal Life
    I am back in the New Testament in my daily devotions. This morning I read through Colossians. I love reading the books that Paul wrote, and particularly am interested lately in prayer. I have been trying to pray better for individuals and for the fire service. I have been praying for a revival in the fire service. I pray that God's people in the fire service would wake up to righteousness and would stir others up to love and good works. May that revival start with me and spread like wildfire.

    Prayer List
    • The Maryland Tax exempt status to go through
    • We have several members out of work. Pray that they would be able to find work
    • We have several members with very ill relatives.
    • That God would be glorified in the fire service
    • That FCFInternational would minister to first responders who need to hear the Gospel
    • That doors would be opened up in fire departments in Canada.

    • That God would open doors to fire departments in states where we do not have members