Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Greetings from the Missions Field 4-22-2014

From the Field
What an adventure!! We are finally moved into our new house, and what a blessing from the Lord. As we settle into the new International office, we are truly blessed. I am so thankful that God has provided a place here in the country for us to minister to first responders. As we talk with first responders and chaplains we are convinced that a small quiet setting in Southern Virginia is the perfect place for a small retreat for chaplains to get away after large traumatic events and for line of duty death families. We have invited two chaplains who went through two seperate traumatic incidents to spend some time with us and help develop a 5 day ministry to help chaplains with their spiritual care. We will also be inviting a LODD family to came and stay in order to develop a similar ministry to them. Please pray that God would provide the necessary funds, the knowledge to know how to minister best to their needs, and families to come. We have decided that this property will be known as "249, the Barnabas House."

Our team has recently returned from Indianapolis, Indiana. The FDIC annual conference was held and we were once again blessed to have a free booth. As many first responders walked the floors in search of free material, we were able to give them the message of the God's free eternal life through Jesus Christ. Our members were able to talk to many of our discipleship ministry and how they can get involved. The Lord is blessing our "Train the Trainer" class on discipleship and we are having a wonderful time teaching. Our prayer is that we will be able to truly change the fire service through this ministry as many first responders begin to disciple others in their local departments.

We have newly developed tracts, praise the Lord. Over the years I have noticed that fewer and fewer tracts were being given out at the conferences. I decided to change the size of the tracts, add a few fire pictures, and have a free gift associated with it. When the booth was busy and our members were actively talking with first responders, I noticed that those walking by would still pick them up. Pray that God would use these tracts to save first responders and we would be blessed by those who email the International Office for their free gift.

Currently we are working on a leadership Bible study and a marriage Bible study. Pray that God would give us wisdom to write studies that would cause first responders to study their Bibles more. I find as I travel from place to place that many first responders are not very good students of the Word. My prayer is that this will change as God works on the hearts and minds of first responders. Please pray for our team as we develop more and more studies in order to put them in the hands of first responders.

The Family
Thanks for all of your prayers for our family. Seth is doing better and as we talk with him we are finding he is beginning to enjoy the military more. The field he is in is very technical and please continue to pray that he is able to learn and pass all of his tests. He is a little concerned at the lack of depth and teaching at his chapel services on Sunday. Currently he is not allowed off base and would like some Godly soldiers to meet with and study the Bible. Andrew is doing well in his new job at the ship yards in Newport News. He has found a church that he attends and is considering joining. Please pray for wisdom as he seeks Gods will in finding a church. Christopher and Justin are having way too much fun at the new place. I thank God for their willingness to help out in the ministry by making the small repairs around the house and starting projects that will help bring glory to God as we minister to first responders. Holly is doing well and is finally settling into the new house. She proclaimed yesterday that it is becoming home since we have begun to hang up pictures. Please pray for her as her hip is hurting her do to arthritis.

Prayer Requests
- More Godly first responders to help out in leadership rolls of FCFInternational.
- The completion of the office.
- A vehicle to be able to drive to local chapters in order to encourage and build them up.
- Revival in the fire service.
- Finances to be able to start the Barnabas House ministry to fire chaplains, first responders, and LODD families.

Thanks for all of your prayers and concerns for the ministry.

Craig Duck


  1. Praying for you guys! Pray for us. ysp

  2. This is such a good update. I am especially thrilled by the emergence of Barnabas House. Over 20+ years as a fire chaplain there was little if any hands-on support and encouragement. Civilian pastors could not comprehend the pressures of the chaplaincy, and members of the fire service had their own issues. Your creation of Barnabas House is a God-send. Too often chaplains are commissioned and abandoned, but Barnabas House rectifies this need. Thank you so much.

  3. I am glad God brought me across this site. I am praying for God's direction as doing ministry and firefighting and EMT. It is awesome to hear what God is doing. I will pray for your son in the military. I know the services on Sunday have no depth mainly because the chaplains have to tiptoe and be causous of what to say.
